What is Spirituality?

What is Spirituality?

That which transcends the physical is spiritual and spirituality presents a boundless concept of divinity as an inherent presence within oneself. The spiritual journey is one where this divine origin is discovered. It is also the discovery of the truth, since truth and the divine are synonymous.

Although there are many interpretations of spirituality, at the core of this concept is the evolution of human consciousness. Spirituality is the exploration of what constitutes human consciousness and understanding the canvas upon which life is being animated. It is the discovery of the inherent divinity within oneself, and the application of this divinity in all aspects of one's life. Such a spiritual expression may or may not have its roots in religion and instead presents a boundless concept of divinity as an attainable state of living with constant compassion, courage, peace, love, and joy.

Having a clear understanding of what spirituality is, and more importantly, what it is not, is like carrying a powerful talisman while on the spiritual path. It serves as a guide and gauge, distinguishing truth from illusion. The spiritual realm does not conform to the definition and may be subjective, however, it is anything but vague. It is, in fact, the highest level of accuracy, and the highest level of precision, and it is your intelligence functioning at its highest level. It is a refinement of consciousness and the next stage of your evolutionary journey.

Spirituality presents a boundless concept of divinity as an inherent presence within oneself. The spiritual journey is one where this divine origin is discovered.

How do I get started with spirituality?

Getting started with spirituality is quite simple: you begin with acceptance. The acceptance that your perceived identity is not the whole picture and there is much more to what you are than a body and a personality. A meditation practice is a great tool to help you get started on your spiritual journey. There are many types of meditations to choose from, so the first step is to set a personal spiritual goal.

The goal exists only as a reminder to set the direction and is not the destination. A spiritual goal is one where you chart out who you want to become through the process of spiritual evolution. Is your goal to be consistently happy and grateful? Is it perhaps to smile a bit more today? Or is it to discover your true origin? No goal is too lofty or too small, as far as spirituality is concerned. You are setting out on a process of exploration and your goal is simply the reminder or milestone for why you set out on this path in the first place.

Once you have set the goal, you can now choose the type of meditation or path to assist you on your journey. If you have religious inclinations, you may tap deeper into them to discover your spiritual self. There are many legitimate resources available to true seekers and we list them in our article here.

Religion and spirituality

The core of every religion is the same, it is to take a human being into a greater experience of oneself, of connecting to a higher power. While religion is organized and has structures, and rituals in place for morality, spirituality is a free concept based on evolving consciousness and is more personal and spontaneous. The goal of religion and spirituality is the same, which is spiritual liberation but the approach differs. All religions have spirituality at the core, but spirituality may or may not be religious.

What are spiritual experiences?

Spiritual experiences are transcendent moments when you are touched by a divine presence.

Spiritual experiences are transcendent moments when you are touched by a divine presence or higher power. Such experiences are accompanied by feelings of profound love, compassion, and peace. The experience can be sustained through regular practice and connection through meditation. For many people, the occurrence defies logic and is the starting point of their spiritual journey. It is also referred to as a spiritual awakening.

Technically, it is an experience where consciousness expands beyond the body and mind to touch something eternal and real. Spiritual experiences are possible with anyone, as we are all made from the same elements and it is simply a question of learning to open ourselves to the possibility.

The goal of any true spiritual journey is to take these momentary experiences and make them a way of life.


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