What is True Beauty?

True beauty is in living compassionately, using every situation to rise into new realms of light and love

This pristine beauty is present in all of us if we only choose to look within.

Beauty. It is said that it is in the eye of the beholder, perhaps there is more to it than meets the eye. As with all things, it is an evolutionary trait. Not beauty itself, but the ability to perceive it. The beauty I speak of is not limited to the human form but beauty as it manifests in every form, the beauty of a fallen leaf, the beauty of a pebble, the beauty of the horizon at sunrise. If there is one thing the creator does well and I am always in awe of, it is his ability to create limitless beauty.

How can you be present in creation and not be his biggest fan? I see his masterstroke everywhere. Not just in nature but also in his creations that have been brought to life by man. A twinkling city skyline at night for instance. There isn’t anything in creation that can come into existence without bearing the mark of the creator. And when you become aware of this, beauty is not just in symmetry. It is not even rare. It is the most common thing. As the adage goes though, it is the awareness with which we look that will make apparent the beauty in all things.

This pristine beauty is present in all of us if we only choose to look within. The nature of life is such that what appears to be everything is in reality empty and what appears to be nothing is actually full. The external world, filled with its many treats and delights appears to have the ability to fulfill us but the more we pursue those aspects the farther we stray from the path of truth. At the outset, we appear to not be carrying anything and our desires seem to depend on external gratification. This is untrue.

You are the greatest treasure you will ever have in your life. Regardless of what you have or do not have. It is who you choose to be in any given moment that has the ability to reveal your inherent beauty to you. Do you choose to be Love? Do you choose to walk with compassion? Those are the only choices that can align you with the true beauty that lies within. The beauty that he intended for you to be and to effortlessly fulfill the reason for your existence as this pristine consciousness. Untouched and ever free.

Beloveds, looking beautiful, and being beautiful are different aspects. If there is beauty in your action you will touch the eternal. If you seek it only in looks, you will be left with the ephemeral. True beauty is in rising. When the being is light, it rises effortlessly into light and grace. The beauty of the soul then radiates through the human form and lights up all that it touches and comes across.

There is beauty in a free mind. Free from what you believe you should be. Free from the demands of perfection. Free from illusion, opinion, and judgment. A mind that can simply be with what is. A mind in love with truth, rooted in clarity and inspired by life around it. A mind that beholds all it encounters as the divine. From such a mind a new cosmos can be birthed. A cosmos filled with peace and light.

True beauty is born of the peace of being with the creator. Of living as his love. Such beauty has the power to end the reign of darkness. It has the power to cease all the illusions that weigh you down. It is a beauty free of the limited self and one that is apparent to all.

It is the embodiment of grace in human form that has manifested to take across every being beyond the threshold into pure light. It is a resilience born of the creator himself to stand for every spark until it merges into the eternal flame through pure love and pure joy. What could be more beautiful than this?


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