How to Start Meditating

The beauty of meditation is every session you begin as a novice. Those who have mastered the art of meditation know the secret is to always enter with the mindset of a beginner. So, beloveds as a beginner you have a great advantage with meditation. Everything is new, and this is the best place to begin, right where you are, whatever your situation is, just begin and the rest will flow.

Setting the right atmosphere

Meditation Lights

A small flame, even a little tealight candle can help set the right atmosphere for your meditations and bring in positivity, so you are lit from within.

It is best to have a dedicated space for your meditations. This can be anything from a separate room to a little nook. It just has to be a quiet space, away from distractions. If your living situation is not conducive to quietude, choose a time when the activity around you is less instead, like the early hours of the morning. There are a few resources that can help assist you in setting the right atmosphere and positively energizing the space around you:

  1. Seating - It is best to meditate seated cross-legged in the Lotus pose. Use a cushion or padding to help you get into this posture, so you are comfortable. If you are unable to sit with crossed legs, you may use a chair. Just ensure your back is not supported and your spine is erect.

  2. Aromatherapy - Using incense and fragrant candles can help set the stage and bring you into a deep meditative state. Use natural, organic selections which uplift and invigorate your spirit.

  3. Lighting - The most conducive spaces for meditating are away from direct light. Use background or atmosphere lighting to set the tone for your session.

  4. Spiritual Objects - There are many objects which carry powerful spiritual energy, this includes any religious texts of your faith, figurines, crystals, and many more. Having these objects in your meditation space can greatly assist you in your sessions.

  5. Direction of Seating - In most spiritual traditions, it is recommended to sit facing East as this promotes clarity.

Elements of Meditation

Now, that the stage is set, let’s take a look at all the elements of meditation:

  1. When: Choose a dedicated time of day to consistently meditate. The early hours of the morning between 4:00 am to 7:00 am are spiritually supercharged. So make sure you use those times and also revisit your meditation routine at the end of the day. Right after a morning shower and just before breakfast is ideal.

  2. Where: In a quiet place indoors or outdoors, away from distractions. Preferably set up with the above guidelines.

  3. How: The best type of meditation for beginners is to sit quietly for ten minutes and observe the movement of breath. Let thoughts flow, instead, focus on the gentle movement of breath as it flows in and out of your body. Keep as still as you can and simply observe your breath. If you lose focus, observe that you did and bring it gently back to your breath. This session is not meant to control the breath in any way, simply to observe it.

  4. Why: Your breath is your connection to life. It is also the connection to the creator. By acknowledging the breath, we establish a connection with a greater reality allowing us to disassociate from the mind. As an observer, you no longer are caught up in activity and you are free.

  5. What: Meditation is not an act. It is a process of suspending the activities of the mind, of creating distance between you and the mind. It is this distance that brings clarity and peace. The more you meditate, the greater the distance grows and in effect your ability to harness the mind and body, and life.

buddha meditating

Breath Meditation

Breathe, Breathe into the space between You

And that which is you think is you

As the ravine of the space deepens

The mountain that is You will emerge

- alira

What to Expect After Meditating

Now that you have begun, first of all welcome! It is an accomplishment worthy of celebration that you have taken the first step to your own divinity.

The effects of meditation are many including a greater sense of peace and joy. An appreciation for the little things and a greater passion for life. When you realize that your entire existence is tied to this subtle act of breathing, there is a shift in perspective. Meditation is not an act that stops when your session ends. It is the quality of being a keen observer. You notice everything without attaching judgment to it and this is liberating.

You may notice changes as soon as you begin or it may take a while. Either way, keep at it. It is better to view meditation as a lifelong companion that will see you through life and beyond than a practice. Meditation will support you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Fall in love with it and it will give you infinite reasons to fall in love with your life.

Fall in love with meditation, and it will give you infinite reasons to fall in love with your life

On Faith