On Faith

What is Faith?

Faith is keeping trust in the benevolence of nature, in divinity or a higher power. It is a phenomenal companion on a spiritual journey — the silent knowing that all is well beyond transient circumstances. Although it might appear to be a quality, faith is in actuality a tool for touching the divine being within. Your divinity is perfection expressing itself as life. Faith gives you a doorway into that perfection. Just as love does.

Faith can only arise when you have begun to see the larger picture of life; The truth is that there is a superpower that is operating through you and all beings. It is a glimpse into reality and a solid foundation to build your life upon. It is aligning the mind with reality.

Faith is that which is greater than belief. Belief is when you admit that something may or may not be true. Faith is the assurance that something is going to work out. If your belief has come to such a point that it is whole, it becomes faith. Faith can be tested and it will be. It is something to be cultivated, and practiced. Still a beautiful method but not the entire picture. There is more to this story. It is just a peek, not the entire picture.

Keep Your Faith Fortified:

Faith can only arise when you have begun to see the larger picture of life; The truth that there is a super power that is operating through you and all beings.

How can I fortify my faith?

Do you know what the basis of faith is? It is awareness. It is the knowing of who you are and your divine nature. When you are aware of your own nature, the trust you place is in your own divinity, it is no more outsourced. The higher power is not just out there, it is within, and what better than an all-powerful internal guide? Faith is an aspect of awareness, that you have discovered a plane of existence where everything is just as it should be. Faith perceives the most benevolent future.

To fortify your faith, expand your awareness. A key aspect of awareness is not trying to be anything so you can realize what you are. You can have faith that tomorrow will work out entirely in favor of your joy and love. You know that today worked out entirely in favor of your love and joy. That is the difference. Knowing is in the present. It is when your awareness meets free-flowing consciousness. It is the perfection of life. Simply being aware of the stillness within creates a future that is aligned with the highest divine will acting through you. Because your life is born out of consciousness.

The consciousness to serve for instance opens the being up to receive the infinite wisdom of the divine mind because there is an absence of illusions. The desire to serve can only arise when you have begun to recognize yourself in another. This truth frees you from all bondage as you have transcended the idea of a limited you. You have traded your story for truth. The illusion of you was created for the world, to be able to relate to it but it is not necessary. When you are simply joy, when you are love, you are for the world and the universe everything it ever needed you to be.


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