What is Meditation in Spiritual Awakening?
Meditation in Spiritual Awakening
Meditation, from the perspective of awakening, is consciously ceasing to play the role of an individual, the person
Meditation, from the perspective of awakening, is consciously ceasing to play the role of an individual, the person. The individual is merely an elaborate construct in the mind of the divine. A construct that has often been the greatest investment of one’s life. An investment of a consciousness that has created an identity to exist in a relative world. The individual appears real because the mind is very convincing, it adds enough traits to make the projection appear real. The construct has qualities that make it different from those around it to make it unique and similar enough to be able to fit in with society. When closely examined, however, every trait can be traced to an influence or experience that has been gathered from the external world. And what has been gathered is not the real thing.
On the spiritual path, meditation is the demonstration of courage and humility. The humility and graciousness to face the truth that perhaps there is more to you than what you believed yourself to be. And the courage to not make the construct the primary investment of your life. It is reinvesting attention and energy in the observation and discovery of what is real and what has always been the unchanging reality of what you truly are. In this context, meditation can be described as holding space for truth. When one is observing, one is not caught up in the movement of thought. Consciousness can be freed from the activity of person creation, to observe stillness. In this space, truth becomes apparent. This space allows one to hold the personality at a distance and mold it consciously. Such a personality which reflects divine qualities inherent to the being is a tool in alignment with truth.
One can choose to function with it when necessary and cease activity when it is not required. This is the beginning of freedom.